The main purpose and object of the school is to make your child a good student, diligent and industrious, honest and truthful, just and fair in dealing with all. Please help us in this noble task.

In order to secure all that is best in education of your children, the maximum co-operation between parents and the school authorities is desired. Hence parents/guardians are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, by seeing that they prepare their lessons daily, reach school in time, wear and take an active interest in the activities of the school.

Occasional report about conduct and application of your children will be sent to you by the teachers through the diary. We request you to look into this book everyday and see that the home work assigned for the next day is done.

Students repeatedly coming late, forgetting to bring books or coming without proper uniform to be brought to the notice of the principal. When communicating with the principal, parents/guardians are requested to mention in their letters/applications, the name of the student class and section.

Parents/guardians or any other person is not allowed to see the students or interview their teachers during school hours without prior sanction of the principal. Parents must intimate the school whenever their residential address or telephone numbers are changed in order to communicate to them in urgent matters or emergency in the interest of their children.

Criticism of the teachers or school in the presence of the students should strictly avoid because it causes them to lose respect for the teachers. If a parent has a legitimate complaint, it should be brought to the notice of the principal in writing.

Please do not send the child to the school if he/she has contacted any infectious disease. The child will join the school with a medical certificate after the recovery.

Even in difficult situation, calm and gentleness should be displayed so that the set result or discrimination fall ultimately on the child.

If relations with the school are not cordial, it is advisable for parents to shift their children to other institutions of their choice.

In the event of a hartal or unexpected holiday during examinations, the date of that day's examination will be notified later, and the rest of the examinations will continue as per the schedule.

Ensure that your child is regular and punctual. Incentive prizes are instituted for student with 100% attendance.