
St Mary’s convent school is a day school established in 1996 by the sisters of congregation of Jesus. It is an international congregation devoted to the education of girls mainly. The school’s vision outlines that this is an institution open boys and girls of all communities, irrespective of status, caste and creed. It impacts not only academic education but also helps them to form an integrated personality by developing in them a strong character, love of truth, respect, loyalty, a sense of justice and the necessity, hard work.

The present strength of the school is about 1650 students with 61 teching staff and 25 non teaching staff. It is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi ( Aff. No.930343). It is an institution comprising of pre-primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary sections and graduating students the choice of Commerce or science stream. The result is 100%.

The Cj Sisters of the Bangalore Region, in collaboration with the staff aim to train our students to strive for personal excellence in order to develop leadership; to create a just society where the underprivileged, the exploited, especially, Children and Dalits are restored to their God given dignity.

The school provides a vast comprehensive array of activities. The students participate in school and inter-school activities. A well stocked Library, Computer & Language lab facilities, well equipped Laboratories and interactive class rooms.

The Timetable is of utmost importance and is planned thoroughly and carefully. Its periods include curricular, co-curricular activities and value education. Along with daily assemblies it earmarks and focuses on Organized Assemblies. deal with topics of social, moral and personal responsibilities. With some guidance the students conduct long assemblies themselves using the help of role plays, power-point presentations, songs and dances matching the theme of the assembly this is a future plan to activate responsible citizens.

‘It takes a whole community to educate even a single child’, keeping this part of the vision of education in mind the school welcomes parents, teachers, counselors, social workers, and other responsible citizens to contribute their wisdom, knowledge and experience during PTA or other co-curricular and national events.

Against spiraling costs the school has risen to the daunting task and persisted in providing concessions in fees or free education to the wards of guardians with unsteady income or those guardians who suffer medical or physical set backs and bereavement in the family.