General Rules and Regulations

The attention of the public and parents/guardians is called to the following rules and discipline from the education code:

The head of the school shall ensure that the principles of discipline are properly observed. Regularity and implicit obedience should be insisted upon, and politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct, as well as cleanliness of dress and person, should be inculcated.

School time must be strictly adhered to. Morning assembly 1st bell rings at 8:40 AM. Assembly begins at 8:45 AM.

Students are urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by their manner and general behavior.

They should be polite, friendly, and well-behaved both in and outside the school. They should be respectful to their elders and teachers and truthful at all times.

They should be orderly and clean in their person and neatly dressed, and they should also cooperate to maintain cleanliness in the school.

As far as cleanliness, silence, attention to work, and respect for teachers and companions are concerned, a classroom should be regarded as a place of reverence and discipline.

All students shall speak English in the classroom and on the campus. They must use English for ordinary conversation.

When students move along the corridors or verandah while changing classes or going for games, they must walk in silence and in a single line. The teacher in the class should be the last to leave the classroom.

Students must avoid writing, carving, and scratching on the walls, furniture, and toilets at all costs. Such habits are an indication of poor taste.

During the absence of the teacher, the monitor will be responsible for maintaining order and discipline in the class until another teacher arrives.

Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school cannot be held responsible for clothes and other articles lost by students.

Running, playing, or shouting inside the building is prohibited. Any damage done by students to school equipment, furniture, electrical gadgets, or the building must be paid for by the students.

Students should be particularly careful not to throw papers, stones, eatables, etc., anywhere in the school premises. They should use the dustbins specially provided for this purpose.

students are not allowed to visit the staff room or enter other class room without the permission.

Once the children report to school, they must not leave the school premises without the permission of the principal. The school will not be responsible for the safety of offenders in this respect.

Students are not allowed to come to school driving vehicles or by bicycles.

Any exchange of articles or money transactions between students is forbidden.

Perfect discipline must be maintained during examinations, any malpractice will be dealt with seriously.

Discourtesy and disrespect toward any members of the school staff in any form will be viewed seriously, and those responsible for such misbehaviour will be subject to dismissal.

Parents or guardians are not allowed to enter the classroom. They can meet the teachers only after getting permission from the principal.

Everyone should be particularly careful not to throw papers, seeds, sweet wrappers, etc., on the floor of the compound.

Students practicing sports or games after school hours should be in sports dress.

Money or articles (such as binoculars, cassettes, pen drive, toys, video games, mobile phones, cameras, smart watch etc.) should not be brought to school unless specifically requested by the teacher.

Wristwatches (not too expensive) are allowed only for students of standard 5th and above. Students are advised not to remove their watches at school.

For birthdays, students can wear colored dresses. The child may contribute a book to the class library as a lasting and beneficial gift to all his or her classmates. No birthday sweets shall be distributed in the school by any student.

No student should bring to school comics, periodicals, or other books that do not belong to the school library.

Identity Card: A well-laminated card is issued to every student. Students are expected to possess their ID cards in the school and outside the school campus, representing any activity, competition in curricular and extracurricular events, sports and games, tours, etc.